Refurbishment under way - please forgive the mess and broken links

Arthur Brown, Rockfield Studios and Me

Portrait of singer Arthur Brown at Glastonbury Festival in 2010

In the early summer of 1970 or maybe 71, when I was fifteen (or sixteen) years old, my parents suggested I take up my uncle Harry’s offer of some summer employment at his petrol station and cafe in the village of Redbrook in the Wye valley outside Monmouth. My Uncle had two daughters who I […]

Into the mountains

Too tired to write much but… drove up into the Simian Mountains today searching for baboons, didn’t see any but heard them and found fresh poo. Walking in the mist with local guides and children. Cold and misty and not enough oxygen. Off to Lalibela tomorrow. A long trip on rough roads. Here are some […]


      Untweaked – will try to do more but such a slow connection

Time to stop tinkering

  OK I have got to stop tinkering with this website. For the moment anyway. I feel strangely nervous about going public though most of my good friends already know my stuff. But there are those that only know the IT side of me. I should have been a gemini – if I believed in […]


At long last technical problems with my webpages seem to be over. Very soon everything should be back up and running with additional content too.